Our RE Curriculum follows the 'God Matters' scheme of work from the Portsmouth Diocese.
At St. Anne’s Catholic Primary School RE is a core subject (along with English and Maths). RE lessons account for 10% of curriculum time and does not include prayers, worships or Mass. This means that EYFS and KS1 have 2 hours and 15 minutes of RE per week and KS2 have 2 hours and 30 minutes of RE each week.
Religious Education in the School, together with the day to day enactment of its Catholic Mission, supports parents in the children’s faith development. This should be underpinned by the use of the RE curriculum programme recommended by the Diocese, as the School's main resource for RE (Currently the 'God Matters' programme.) All values and beliefs will fully support, and where appropriate, be integrated into all other curricular activities, with particular reference to Personal and Social Education.
The aims and objectives of Religious Education in the School cannot be further expressed without reference to school’s Vision and Mission Statement. Each of the key elements for implementation of this Policy reflects one or more elements of these. To view our mission and vision statement click HERE
We therefore intend that all pupils will:
- be supported in developing a close relationship with God, knowing that they are always loved and that He is always with them
- be further supported in developing a close relationship with God through prayer
- be celebrated and developed as unique individuals
- become aware of their own responsibility as stewards (disciples – in children speak) of God’s creation and how they can each make a positive difference to the world and indeed have a responsibility to do so
- have an age appropriate understanding of Gospel Values and Catholic Social Teaching to support them in their faith journey
- have the appropriate knowledge and understanding of the Catholic faith to the ultimate questions about human life, its origin and purpose
- be expressly taught about the life of Jesus and what God wants us to be, through RE lessons and the study of the Old and the New Testaments
The ethos of the School is vital to the context of the religious education carried on in the School, and the religious education itself makes a vital contribution towards helping our children to live in our multi-cultural, multi-faith society. In our own School community, we have children from other faith traditions whose faith-stance we respect. We also provide opportunities for children to learn about the beliefs and practices of those religions not known to them.
We believe that God has created each person to be unique and consequently we respect and enter into dialogue with those from other faith traditions (just as Christ did), and recognise that God is in everyone. This in itself should not be a threat to our own faith stance.
In line with Diocesan guidelines we teach about Judaism, Hinduism, Sikhism and Islam throughout the year. An aspect of one of these faiths is taught at the end of a topic when there is an opportunity to link it with our Catholic faith.
The focus is on Catholic teachings but also looks at elements of other faiths. To view the curriculum coverage, click on the links below:
Co-ordinator: Mrs R Turner