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Reception 2024 - 2025 Academic Year

A BIG warm welcome to our new Reception parents!

Welcome to our School

A BIG warm welcome to our new families who will be joining us in September.  You will soon receive a welcome email with lots of information regarding starting school.  In the meantime, you are welcome to bring along your proof of your child's date of birth (passport or birth certificate) and two proofs of address (as per HCC's email) to the school office between 8.30am and 3.45pm.



ADMISSION TO YEAR R - Admissions to YR now closed.


As an all through primary school, Year 3 is not a main round admission year.  Therefore applications for a Year 3 place are treated as an in-year admission and places for year 3 will be decided on 10th June 2024.  The school has 4 additional places to offer.  Please apply to a junior school by the deadline of 15th January, but also submit an In Year application to Hampshire County Council and complete our Supplementary Information Form and return before 12th June 2024.


Proposed Admissions Arrangements and SIF for 2025-6

Admissions Arrangements 25-26

Supplementary Information Form 25-26

PAN - 30


Appeals Timetable 2024

Hampshire County Council Appeals Service handle our appeals.  If you wish to lodge an appeal, please do so through the following link:

Making an admissions appeal | Hampshire County Council (hants.gov.uk)


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