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Welcome to St Catherine

st actherine

Our Teacher is Mrs Dominey

Our Teaching Assistant is Miss Josling

Click HERE to view our Meet the Teacher 2024 Presentation

Click HERE to view our Grammar and Maths presentation

Summer Term 2024

In DT, year 2 have been learning all about fairground rides and how they work. The children designed a swing ride and made their own using rotating clogs, doweling and paper plates. The children loved making them move, some even created little people out of pipe cleaners to sit on the ride!

This term, we have consolidated our learning in science on animals and their habitats. As part of Science day, the children explored outside using pooters. They collected minibeast by carefully locating their habitats and sucking them up through the tube into the pooter. We had lots of ants, earwigs, spiders and woodlouse. 

In Music, the children have been learning all about percussion. They have used a variety of instruments to make different sounds and practised being a marching band around the playground.


Spring Term 2024

In Science, year 2 have been learning all about the human body. We had a go at drawing around our friends and labelling the different body parts we know. In Maths, we have been working very hard in match to understand the concept of money. We have been learning very practically using coins and notes to understand how to make amounts and give change. Our favourite book so far has been ‘ A Squash and a Squeeze’ by Julia Donaldson. We wrote a diary entry and a character description. We even had a visit from the old lady herself!

Autumn Term 2023

Science – Animals and their habitats

We have been learning about mini-beasts and what their habitats are like. The children went on a mini beast hunt around the school and discussed the type of habitats they were living in. 

DT – Tudor Houses 

We have been learning about Tudor Houses in DT. The children carried out research before designing them. They learnt what they most common materials were used to build them and how they differ from modern houses. The children then had a go at building their own Tudor House. 

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