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Prayer and Liturgy

Liturgy, Liturgical Prayer, and Prayer form a continuum with a celebration of Mass on a Solemnity of the Church (e.g., Ascension of the Lord) at one end and silent meditation at the other. Of course, there are areas of overlap between the categories. The word ‘Worship’ is not  used to denote a distinct category in the Prayer and Liturgy Directory. In Catholic terminology ‘worship’ is not generally used to name and describe a distinct type of prayer or event. Worship is about living our lives in a way that recognises that everything we have is a gift from God and that everything we do should give glory to God. That, of course, does include prayer but the scope is broader. With that understanding of worship it will be seen that the purpose of education in a Catholic school is to know and love Christ and to open the vision and imagination of pupils to the wonder of living in God’s world, and the responsibilities that follow from this.

Celebration of The Eucharist

The celebration of the Mass is at the heart of Catholic life and worship. By this sacramental act we fulfil the command of the Lord Jesus to celebrate the Eucharist in memory of Him. The mystery of His saving death and resurrection is made present for us as the living Lord speaks through the Scriptures and gives Himself in the bread that becomes His Body and the wine that becomes His Blood. The purpose of every school Mass is to unite all present more closely to Christ, to deepen their love for him and for others. All children participate in the celebration of the Eucharist at school and at St Anne's Church. It is fundamental to the spiritual life of the school.


To pray is to communicate with God or the Saints, our faith, our love and our wants. So we can say that prayer is communication. As children progress up the school we encourage the children to prepare and organise their own class prayers and liturgies (under the direction or with the support of the class teacher if required).

Liturgical Prayer

Liturgical prayer at St Anne’s follows the pattern or a variation of the pattern

Gathering- how we come together, the setting, the environment (quiet/ reflective,music, lighted candles, statues, sign of the cross, focus and examination of conscience etc);

Word - a reading from the Scriptures (or another suitable source), breaking the word, time to reflect on this and prayers to fit into the theme;

Action - a ritual movement that everyone can join in with that fits with the theme (gestures such as shaking hands, holding hands, lighting a candle, prayers, responses to prayers, etc);

Mission - the sending out from the celebration, giving the children something to hold onto from the experience of the liturgy that they can take into their daily lives.

Lay Liturgical Ministry- Children

The principles of active and conscious participation in the liturgy are important for Masses celebrated with children. Everyone at St. Anne's is invited to participate spiritually and prayerfully. Silence also has an important place and a value in enabling participation.

Children take part in a series of progressive training to take up different specific roles, as appropriate, during the celebration – for example, serving, singing and music, reading, praying, and bringing up the gifts of bread and wine.  Our older children play a vital role in training up the younger children to take on such ministries. 

To Help you Pray

Prayer is communication.
It can be spoken or silent. It can be a song or a story. It can be a picture or a dance.

Prayer can be done as often as you like.
Every week. Every day. Every hour.

Prayer can be done however you want.
There’s no right or wrong way to pray.

Prayer can be shared, but doesn’t have to be.
It can be done alone or with a favourite toy. It can be done with friends, family or pets.

Prayer can be done anywhere.
It can be done in your room or at the kitchen table. It can be done out in the playground, at the park or even at the zoo.

Prayer can be done in any mood.
You can be happy, sad, angry, scared or confused when you pray.

Prayer can be for yourself or someone else.
If you know someone who could use a little help — add them to your prayers.

Prayer doesn’t need a certain structure, length or specific words.
Whatever words you use, long or short, however your prayer comes out is fine.

Prayer doesn’t need a special occasion.
There are certain prayers appropriate to special occasions but you don’t need to wait for a special time to pray.

Prayer doesn’t have to be a request.
It can also be used to give thanks for what you have already received. “Thank you,” is a perfect prayer.

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