Welcome to St Bernadette
Our Teacher is Mrs Larcher.
Our Teaching assistant is Mrs Butler.
Please click HERE to watch the power-point of our Meet the Teacher session on Monday 11th September 2023.
Important Information:
Autumn 2024-25
Summer 2023-24
Spring 2023-24
Autumn 2023-24
Summer 2022-23
Spring 2022-23
Summer Term 2024
Year 1 have had a great summer term so far! We have been watching our potato plants grow and they produced some wonderful bushy leaves. We also enjoyed our Science Day, when we use pooters to observe minibeasts really closely. We made sun-catchers so that the summer sun can shine through them on our windows. During National Mental Health Awareness week, we learned all about how moving can keep us fit and healthy in our bodies and minds too. We also loved the month of May, as we got to take our beautiful flowers to Mary our Mother in the prayer garden. When our dads came in to visit, we made some fabulous portraits of them!
Spring Term 2024
Year 1 have been learning all about different materials this term. We have carried out Science investigations using sand, water and even ice! We also selected specific materials to design and make boats because we have been learning about the Titanic in History. In RHE we have been learning about how important it is to talk to adults and our friends about how we feel. The most exciting thing happened recently, was that we learnt about potatoes and we have planted some to see how they grow! We cant wait to harvest them later on in the summer 😊
Autumn Term 2023
Grounds Day
Year 1 really enjoyed participating in St Annes' grounds day
RE- Catholic Social Teaching
We learnt all about loving and looking after God's creation
In DT, the children did an amazing job at planning and making their very own rockets!
Our trip to the post box
The children really enjoyed walking to the post office and post box where we sent our very own class letter toSanta's Grotto.