Our School Reading Charter
As a school community we are committed to the following practices:
-We celebrate reading and ensure it is at the heart of all school activities
-We ensure that the school environment demonstrates a commitment to reading
-We believe that every child has an entitlement to be able to read by end of primary school
-We cultivate strong links with the local library and encourage our families to do the same
-We create a culture of book ownership and encourage children to value books
-We ensure that all teaching staff are knowledgeable about books and reading and are confident to identify the right book for the right child at the right time
-We engage parents in a home/school culture
-We encourage parents to come into school to listen to children read and enjoy their progress
-We set aside time every day for story time and create a buzz about reading with book weeks and author visits
-We have a ‘Reading Champion’ librarian to promote reading across the school
-We teach phonics daily from Reception to Year 2
-Identified Key Stage 1 pupils will read to an adult daily or twice a week as necessary to boost progress
-We encourage parents to support reading every night and record in reading journal
-We celebrate reading success at every level
-We value reading as a thoughtful activity and encourage children to form opinions, both through their reading experience and about their reading experience
Reading Diaries
Each child has a reading diary to record their reading at home. Ideally they should be reading 5 times per week, with at least one of these being to an adult. When listening to your child read please ensure you listen and support in sounding out new words, and ssk questions to check their understanding (see the back of Reading Diary for question ideas).
There is one box per week and should look like this when it is filled out:
Reading Requirements
- Daily phonics lesson- building on prior knowledge (See Phonics page)
- Weekly Guided Reading lessons – enjoying a book in a small group that links to phonics learning.
Reading books linked to phonics learning and ordered in sequence – a colour band below at home.
A record that follows your child through the school.
Daily/twice weekly readers identified in each class.
- Weekly whole class guided reading lesson- texts that enhance our curriculum and focus on reading skills.
Reading books- ordered in sequence.
A record that follows your child through the school
Some children identified as ‘Free Readers’ – able to select their reading book from our Library.
Daily/twice weekly readers identified in each class.
All children are given the opportunity to visit the Library on a Thursday.
Mrs Holton is available to support children in their book choices.
For more information, including Wheelers eBooks, visit our Library page.