Mental Health and Well Being
Our school team is:
Mrs Sadie (HoS/SENDCO)
Mrs Larcher (MH/DDSL)
Mrs Kruger (ELSA)
Mrs Burke (SEN)
Mrs Rumpus (MH & Safeguarding governor)
At St. Anne’s, we cherish and care for all the children in our school and their families. It is our aim to nurture the whole child as an individual and happiness and wellbeing play a crucial part in a child’s development. As a catholic community, we turn to Our Lord Jesus to give us the graces and strength we need during difficult times. This in itself can be a huge source of comfort to our children and families. In prayer, we draw closer to Jesus and find peace in His love for each and every one of us. Meditation, prayer and reflection can be a huge benefit to our wellbeing, and also contribute to the positive concept of ‘mindfulness’. We find that in and through our class worship at school, we can all find peace in our hearts and minds. We hope that this is also present within our family homes, as it is in our church and wider community.
We wish to support all of our families, especially those who may be experiencing difficult times. The information below may be useful for you, if you are in need of support.
Please note that not all of these websites are for younger children; we wish to provide a variety to meet the different needs of our families in our community. Please try to be vigilant and aware of what your children access online.
PHE’s (Public Health England) guidance on supporting children and young people’s mental health and wellbeing. Go to https://www.gov.uk/government/organisations/public-health-england
Rise Above – a website created by and for young people/young adults. Go to https://riseabove.org.uk/
Think Ninja app – free and available for 10-18 year olds. Updated with mental health and wellbeing content (in view of the Coronavirus pandemic). Go to https://www.healios.org.uk/services/thinkninja1
Every Mind Matters – includes information for parents and young people during the pandemic. Go to https://www.nhs.uk/oneyou/every-mind-matters/
Free, confidential support for children – voluntary and community sector organisations:
Text SHOUT to 85258
Childline: 0800 1111 NSPCC: 0808 800 5000 or online
Young Minds – advice for parents/carers who may be worried about their children. Go to https://youngminds.org.uk/?gclid=EAIaIQobChMIuo7WoJqv7QIVCuDtCh3neABiEAAYASAAEgI4-PD_BwE
Catholic Mental Health Project – website. Go to http://www.catholicmentalhealthproject.org.uk/
Our local Catholic Church:
Fr. Paul Leonard
St. Joseph’s Catholic Church
St. Michaels’ Road
Tel: 01256 323595