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The English curriculum is designed by individual teachers, the curriculum co-ordinator, management team and governors to allow pupils to transfer key knowledge to their long-term memory. At St Anne’s, we believe that English is a fundamental life skill. English develops children’s ability to listen, speak, read and write for a wide range of purposes. Children are enabled to express themselves creatively and imaginatively as they become enthusiastic and critical readers of stories, poetry and drama, as well as of non-fiction and media texts. Children gain an understanding of how language works by looking at its patterns, structures and origins. Children use their knowledge, skills and understanding in speaking and writing across a range of different situations to ensure breadth, balance, continuity and progression. This results in building new skills and knowledge based upon what has been taught before, allowing all pupils to work towards clearly defined end points.

Our aim is to provide high quality teaching and learning experiences so our children become enthusiastic, confident and independent users of language in the spoken and written word through encompassing memorable learning opportunities for example, World Book Day, book week and theme daysThe school provides a coherently planned curriculum, sequenced towards cumulatively sufficient knowledge, skills and cultural capital through informative teaching and learning activities and enhancement experiences.

We therefore intend that all pupils will:

  • Practise, consolidate and develop English skills across the curriculum.
  • Speak and listen confidently and respond appropriately to different audiences. Be effective, competent communicators within a range of groups in both formal and informal contexts.
  • Have an interest in books and read for enjoyment whilst developing the skills to read a range of texts fluently and with good understanding
  • Read and write with confidence, fluency and understanding for a range of purposes and audiences.
  • Know phonics to become fluent, confident readers, who have a love of reading.
  • Use a range of strategies to self-assess, edit and refine their own writing.
  • Develop their powers of imagination, inventiveness and critical awareness.
  • Have an interest in words and their meanings and develop growing vocabulary.
  • Value a range of languages in our school and the wider community.
  • Use computing skills to improve and consolidate English.
  • Through the teaching of phonics develop an understanding of the spelling system.
  • Understand how grammar and punctuation is used, building on skills throughout school and applying this knowledge when reading and writing
  • Develop a legible, fluent and cursive writing style.
  • Focus, build-upon and learn key vocabulary to develop understanding of concepts and knowledge. Furthermore, to extend vocabulary and recognise how advanced vocabulary enhances both the spoken and written word.
  • Read a variety of different books to promote over-learning and the development of pre-skills.
  • Build in memorable experiences to promote deep learning.
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